Mukami Njeru FIA, CERA
Senior Marketing Actuary, Vice President, Swiss Reinsurance
About this speaker
Mukami is a Strategic Insurance and Reinsurance Professional currently working as the Senior Marketing Actuary at Swiss Re for Sub-Saharan African markets. She has work experience in the financial services industry including consulting roles and in-house roles in Asia-Pacific, Europe and Africa in life insurance, non-life insurance, capital management and risk management. She also serves as a member of the IFoA Council (Non-Executive Director) and a Director at the Actuarial Academy of East Africa.
She is passionate about the role that actuaries can play in transforming the financial services industry and beyond; the development of the actuarial profession on the African continent; and sustainability.
Mukami is a Fellow of the UK Institute and Faculty of Actuaries and a Certified Enterprise Risk Actuary is an alumnus of the University of Nairobi.