Disruptive Actuarial Skills

Develop Your Disruptive Actuarial Skills. This category is sponsored by Star Actuarial.

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Meet our Actuarial Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Mark Farrell PhD FIA

Mark Farrell PhD FIA

Senior Lecturer/Co-Founder, ProActuary

Suzanne Farrell CPsychol

Suzanne Farrell CPsychol

Psychologist/Co-Founder, ProActuary

Caesar Balona FASSA

Caesar Balona FASSA

Head of Data Science, QED Actuaries and Consultants

Guillaume Beraud-Sudreau

Guillaume Beraud-Sudreau

Chief Actuary, Akur8

Kudzai Chigiji FIA, FASSA, MDevFin, MBA

Kudzai Chigiji FIA, FASSA, MDevFin, MBA

Actuary, Ishe Ventures

Adrian Ericsson FFA

Adrian Ericsson FFA

Group Managing Director and Founder, Dynamo Analytics

Jon Forster ASA, MAAA

Jon Forster ASA, MAAA

Chief Operating Officer, Medical Risk Managers

Nicholas Gurgone FCAS, MAAA

Nicholas Gurgone FCAS, MAAA

Consulting Actuary, Pinnacle Actuarial Resources, Inc.

Dhruv Haria MA MSc

Dhruv Haria MA MSc

Founder & COO, Mirthy

Reza Hekmat FIA

Reza Hekmat FIA

Business Development Actuary, SCOR

Paul Johnson MS, ASA, MAAA

Paul Johnson MS, ASA, MAAA

Consulting Actuary, Health Management Associates

Michael Jordan FASSA, CERA

Michael Jordan FASSA, CERA

Enterprise Lead, Polygon Technology

Jeremy Keating MSc FIA

Jeremy Keating MSc FIA

Underwriting Data Expert, errars.com

Dawid Kopczyk FIA

Dawid Kopczyk FIA

CEO, Quantee

Madhuri Kumar MS, SCR

Madhuri Kumar MS, SCR

Executive Director, URS

Brittany Lee FSA, CERA

Brittany Lee FSA, CERA

Senior Actuary, Partnerships, SCOR

Julia Lessing FIAA

Julia Lessing FIAA

Director, Guardian Actuarial

Adam Musnitzky FIA

Adam Musnitzky FIA

Global Products Actuary - Vice President, Swiss Re

John Nicholas FASSA

John Nicholas FASSA

Product Actuary, Generali Vitality

Mukami Njeru FIA, CERA

Mukami Njeru FIA, CERA

Senior Marketing Actuary, Vice President, Swiss Reinsurance

Kavi Pather FFA

Kavi Pather FFA

EY Africa AI and Advanced Analytics Leader, EY

Josephine Robertson MA FIA CERA MPH

Josephine Robertson MA FIA CERA MPH

AVP Pricing Actuary, SCOR Life Canada

Jeanne Stokke FSA MAAA

Jeanne Stokke FSA MAAA

Senior Manager, Actuarial Consulting, Oliver Wyman





Actuarial Disruption & Summit Opening

08 September 2022, 09:00 AM
Suzanne Farrell Mark Farrell

Painting the Portrait of the Modern Actuary

08 September 2022, 09:30 AM
Caesar Balona

How Blockchain Will Transform the Actuarial Society. (NFTs, DeFi, Web3, DAOs)

08 September 2022, 10:00 AM
Michael Jordan

Protect Your Investment: Future-Proof Your Actuarial Career

08 September 2022, 11:00 AM
Julia Lessing

Climate Risks in Insurance & Opportunities for Actuaries

08 September 2022, 11:30 AM
Madhuri Kumar

Increase Your Luck Surface Area — How to Advance Your Actuarial Career

08 September 2022, 12:00 PM
John Nicholas

Innovation and Design Thinking for Actuaries and Data Scientists

08 September 2022, 12:30 PM
Kavi Pather

Driving Your Business - Forecasting and Planning as a Means to Influence and Achieve

08 September 2022, 02:00 PM
Jeremy Keating

Trusting and Stretching Your Actuarial Muscle

08 September 2022, 02:30 PM
Mukami Njeru

The Modern Day Actuary: Key Skills to Thrive in Today's Disruptive Market

08 September 2022, 03:00 PM
Brittany Lee

ProAthletes to ProActuaries, How a Sports Background Can Create Dynamic Actuaries

08 September 2022, 03:30 PM
Paul Johnson Jon Forster Jeanne Stokke

Transforming Life and Health Insurance With Health and Wellness Data

08 September 2022, 04:00 PM
Adam Musnitzky

Hacks for Understanding Cyber Insurance

08 September 2022, 04:30 PM
Nicholas Gurgone

Credibility and Machine-Learning: Two Faces of the Same Coin

09 September 2022, 09:30 AM
Guillaume Beraud-Sudreau


09 September 2022, 10:00 AM
Kudzai Chigiji

Do DevOps Skills Matter in the Actuarial Profession? Dynamic Pricing Case Study

09 September 2022, 10:30 AM
Dawid Kopczyk

Actuary to Entrepreneur

09 September 2022, 11:00 AM
Dhruv Haria

Creating value: Adding to the Common Good

09 September 2022, 12:30 PM
Josephine Robertson

The Actuarial Cyborg

09 September 2022, 01:30 PM
Adrian Ericsson

Protection Distribution and the Role of Actuaries

09 September 2022, 03:30 PM
Reza Hekmat

Summit Close & Speaker Top Tips for Future Actuarial Success in a Disruptive World

09 September 2022, 04:00 PM