InsurTech & Insurance Transformation

Learn how insurance companies are embracing the digital future. This category is sponsored by Software Alliance Limited (SAL).

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Meet our Actuarial Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Neha Agarwal FIA

Neha Agarwal FIA

Director of Actuarial and Data Services, Ipipeline

Guillaume Beraud-Sudreau

Guillaume Beraud-Sudreau

Chief Actuary, Akur8

Shawn Davis

Shawn Davis

Managing Partner & Executive Recruiter, Brown Davis Executive Search Partners

Marc Glickman FSA, CLTC

Marc Glickman FSA, CLTC

CEO, BuddyIns

Nicholas Gurgone FCAS, MAAA

Nicholas Gurgone FCAS, MAAA

Consulting Actuary, Pinnacle Actuarial Resources, Inc.

Reza Hekmat FIA

Reza Hekmat FIA

Business Development Actuary, SCOR

Jeremy Keating MSc FIA

Jeremy Keating MSc FIA

Underwriting Data Expert, errars.com

Dawid Kopczyk FIA

Dawid Kopczyk FIA

CEO, Quantee

Madhuri Kumar MS, SCR

Madhuri Kumar MS, SCR

Executive Director, URS

Adam Musnitzky FIA

Adam Musnitzky FIA

Global Products Actuary - Vice President, Swiss Re

John Nicholas FASSA

John Nicholas FASSA

Product Actuary, Generali Vitality





Climate Risks in Insurance & Opportunities for Actuaries

8 September 2022, 10:30 AM GMT
Madhuri Kumar

Driving Your Business - Forecasting and Planning as a Means to Influence and Achieve

8 September 2022, 1:00 PM GMT
Jeremy Keating

Transforming Life and Health Insurance With Health and Wellness Data

8 September 2022, 3:00 PM GMT
Adam Musnitzky

Hacks for Understanding Cyber Insurance

8 September 2022, 3:30 PM GMT
Nicholas Gurgone

Credibility and Machine-Learning: Two Faces of the Same Coin

9 September 2022, 8:30 AM GMT
Guillaume Beraud-Sudreau

Do DevOps Skills Matter in the Actuarial Profession? Dynamic Pricing Case Study

9 September 2022, 9:30 AM GMT
Dawid Kopczyk

Data and Digitalisation in the Life Insurance World!

9 September 2022, 10:30 AM GMT
Neha Agarwal

Insurtechs - Yes or No?

9 September 2022, 1:00 PM GMT
Shawn Davis

What's Working in Insurance Distribution Technology

9 September 2022, 2:00 PM GMT
John Nicholas Marc Glickman

Protection Distribution and the Role of Actuaries

9 September 2022, 2:30 PM GMT
Reza Hekmat

Summit Close & Speaker Top Tips for Future Actuarial Success in a Disruptive World

9 September 2022, 3:00 PM GMT